SuPoshan Sangini – The Empowered as an Empowerer

1 min read

28-year-old Suchitra Majhi from Dhanakuta village in Karanjmal, Bhadrak district, Odisha has been a SuPoshan Sangini for three years. Recently, her family had to bear many losses in their farming activities due to climatic disturbances. Feeding six people was very challenging and this led her to seek opportunities is agriculture related CSR activities of the Adani Foundation.

Under the aegis of Foundation’s Sustainable Livelihood Development initiatives and Odisha Livelihood Mission, Suchitra motivated 80 village women to create a Producer’s Group for Mushroom farming and snack making. This group was trained, and this marked the beginning of self-reliance. These women could earn up to INR 3,000 to 4,000 per month. Owing to her experience as a Sangini, Suchitra was instrumental in dealing with the resistance the women faced from their own family.

Suchitra is leading by example. According to village panchayat members and many community members, Suchitra is the first person to be approached in her village when any problem or crisis occurs. It is no wonder that she is known as her village’s “Super Sangini”.